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Fighting Quest


    Before you begin this adventure, you'll have to determine your own strengths and weaknesses alike. With a simple click on the "DETERMINE GAME SCORES" button of the Adventure Sheet you'll obtain the initial scores of SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK.

Determine your initial scores
    Note: The entire procedure is automatic. You will only have to click on the respective button to roll the dices which will determine your game scores. The following explanation serves only to clarify how the decision process occurs.
    - One dice will be rolled. To that number, the system will add 6 and register the total obtained on the box of actual SKILL and Initial Skill.
    - Two dices will be rolled. 12 will be added to the rolled number and the total amount will be registered on the box of actual STAMINA and Initial Stamina.
    - There are also two boxes for LUCK. One dice will be rolled and 6 points added to that value. The total will then be registered on the actual LUCK and Initial Luck boxes.

Illustration: DarkCobalt86 @ deviantart

    For reasons which will be explained, the SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores are constantly being changed throughout the adventure. You must keep an accurate record of these scores, but never rub out your Initial scores.
    Although you may be awarded adtional SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK points, these totals may never exceed your Initial scores, except on very rare occasions, when you will be instructed to do it in a particular chapter.
    Your SKILL score reflects your swordsmanship and general fighting expertise; the higher the better. Your STAMINA score indicates your general constitution, your will to survive, your determination and overall fitness: the higher this score is, the longer you will be able to survive. Lastly, your LUCK score shows how naturally lucky a person you are.

     You will often come across chapters throughout this adventure which instruct you to fight adversaries of some sort. An option to flee may be given, but if not - or if you choose to attack the adversary anyway - you must resolve the combat as described below.
    - First record the adversary's SKILL and STAMINA scores on their respective boxes of the Adventure Sheet. The scores for each adversary will be indicated in its chapter each time you have an encounter.
    In this Fighting Quest blog the confrontations are automatic. You will only have to click the "FIGHT!" button to roll the dices which will determine if you injured the adversary, if you have been injured, or if both missed their attacks. Note: The STAMINA points, yours, or the adversary's, will be automatically reduced every time an injury occur. If those are reduced to 0... it means that you, or your adversary, are dead.

Illustration: DarkCobalt86 @ deviantart

Fighting more than one adversary
    If you have to face more than one adversary in a particular encounter, the instructions on that chapter will tell you how to handle the combat. Sometimes you will treat them as a single enemy; sometimes you will fight each one in turn.

    At various occasions during the adventure you will be asked to test your luck. The details are given on the chapters themselves and you will have only to click the "TEST YOUR LUCK" button. Each time you use LUCK, one point will be discounted on the respective box. 

Using luck in combats

    Note: During confrontations you may use LUCK to turn the outcome in your favour. But be careful! Using LUCK is risky and, if bad luck is what you get, its consequences may be disastrous. To test your LUCK after a round of fight, you will have to click the "TEST YOUR COMBAT LUCK" button. All the process will then be fully automatic.

    - If you wounded your adversary, testing your LUCK may be a decisive factor. If you are lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound and 2 extra points will be subtracted to the adversary's STAMINA. However, if you are unlucky, the wound was a mere graze and 1 point will be re-added to its STAMINA (instead of scoring the normal 2 points of damage provoked, you have now only scored 1).
     - In case of you being the one wounded by your adversary, testing your LUCK in combat will serve to try to reduce de damages of the wound. If you get luck, you'll avoid the full gravity of the attack. You will recover 1 point of STAMINA (instead of 2 damage points, only get 1). If you are unlucky, you'll suffer an even greater injury. 1 extra point will then be subtracted to your score of STAMINA.
    Remember that each time you use this option, 1 point will be taken from your actual score of LUCK and, the lower it is, less are the chances for you to succeed.

Combats with Allies
   Through the adventure you'll find allies that will be, above all, a precious help during the combats that indicate it. This means that the adversary will only have the possibility to attack one time, while you, depending on the number of allies, will have two or three attacks against the enemy per round. The process is then as follows:
    - Immediately after a round between you and your adversary, you can then use your allies clicking on the "Attack!" button of the Adventure Sheet in the respective descending order. Don't forget, though, to write down their SKILL score which will be indicated on the page.
    - The allies will then attack in the following way: if the dice score of their SKILL is less or equal to the score obtained initially by the adversary, he will evade or defend himself from the attack. If, on the contrary, the score is superior, the allies will injure him and 2 points will be taken out from his STAMINA.
     Note: The process is, also in here, fully automatic. You can, however, type the name, or species, of your ally on the #1 or #2 ally's boxes, in case you already have an adventure companion.

Lutas contra Aliados do Adversário
   O processo é exactamente igual ao dos aliados do herói, só que aqui é a tua vida que está em jogo. Tudo decorre, mais uma vez, de forma automática.
   Nota: Sempre que derrotares o adversário em foco, deverás substitui-lo pelo aliado imediatamente a seguir a si inserindo as suas respectivas pontuações de PERÍCIA e FORÇA. Caso exista um segundo aliado inimigo, não esquecer também de o subir para a posição #1 e apagar a sua pontuação de PERÍCIA da posição #2.

     Batalha: Se ocorrer um combate onde ambos possuam aliados, irá ocorrer uma batalha sangrenta onde tanto terás de atacar com as tuas forças como com as forças aliadas do inimigo.

Ilustração: DarkCobalt86 @ deviantart

Teste de Perícia
    Em determinadas situações de perigo poderá vir a ser-te pedido para testares a tua PERÍCIA. As instruções da página fornecerão os dados necessários e tu apenas terás de dar uso ao botão "TESTA A TUA PERÍCIA" no Quadro de Marcações.

Recuperar Perícia, Força e Sorte
    Perícia: A tua pontuação de PERÍCIA não se alterará muito ao longo da aventura. Ocasionalmente, uma página pode conter instruções para a aumentar ou diminuir. Uma Arma Mágica pode aumentar a tua PERÍCIA, mas lembra-te que apenas podes usar uma arma de cada vez! Não podes exigir dois bónus de PERÍCIA por estares a usar duas Espadas Mágicas.

    Força: A tua pontuação de FORÇA mudará muito durante a aventura, à medida que lutares com monstros e executares tarefas árduas. Ao te aproximares do teu objectivo, o nível de FORÇA poderá estar perigosamente baixo e os combates serem particularmente arriscados; tem, portanto, cuidado!
    Poderás, no entanto, dar uso às provisões que transportas na tua mochila que são suficientes para 5 refeições. Para esse efeito terás apenas de clicar no botão "TOMAR REFEIÇÃO". Podes parar quando quiseres para descansar e comer, excepto se estiveres envolvido em algum confronto. Ao tomar uma refeição, recuperas automaticamente 4 pontos de FORÇA, mas não te esqueças que irás perder 1 ponto do número de refeições que se encontram no quadro de "NOTAS E EQUIPAMENTO". Usa-as com sensatez.

    Sorte: Irão ser-te concedidos aumentos à pontuação de SORTE durante a aventura, quando fores particularmente feliz. Os pormenores figuram nas páginas do blogue.

    Não te esqueças que as pontuações de PERÍCIA, FORÇA e SORTE nunca poderão exceder os respectivos valores Iniciais, a não ser que isso conste de instruções específicas do parágrafo que estiveres a ler.

    Clica então em AMBIENTE para dares início à tua aventura no mundo de Titan. 


adventure (1) adventure sheet (1) Allansia (1) blog (1) book (1) combats (1) dice (1) dwarf (1) Fighting Fantasy (1) game (1) gamebook (1) hero (1) Ian Livingstone (1) luck (1) meals (1) rpg (1) scores (1) skill (1) stamina (1) Steve Jackson (1)